Terms and conditions

Please read these Conditions of Use of the FirenzeOnStage Site carefully before starting to use them, which are subject to their application.

1. Subject
1.1. Access to and use of the website https://FirenzeOnStage.com (hereinafter also “Site”) presupposes acceptance of these general conditions by anyone who accesses and navigates there (hereinafter also “User”).
1.2. The owner of the Site is FirenzeOnStage s.r.l. (hereinafter also “Theatre”), with registered office in ℅ Francesca Bigniami, Price Waterhouse cooper, Viale Antonio Gramsci, 15, Firenze, FL VAT number ?????.

2. Changes to the conditions of use
2.1. The Theater reserves the right at any time to modify or update, in whole or in part, these Terms of Use. Changes and updates will be notified to the User on the Site page and will be binding from the date of their publication.
2.2. Access to and use of the Site presupposes acceptance by the User of the changes and updates.
2.3. The User must always refer, as the current version, to the text of the Conditions published on the Site at the time of consultation.

3. Use of the site and user responsibilities

3.1. The User must use the Site by scrupulously complying with these Conditions.
3.2. The User is personally responsible for the use of the Site and its contents. The Theatre, in fact, cannot be held responsible for the use of the Site and its contents by each of its Users, which does not comply with the laws in force.
3.3. The User has the right to download material previously published on the Site only for legitimate personal use and undertakes from now on not to use it for speculative or fraudulent activities.
3.4. The User will be solely responsible for the communication of incorrect or false information and data relating to third parties without the latter having expressed their consent, as well as in consideration of incorrect use of the same.
3.5. Access to the internet, necessary to use the Site and all related charges and costs, including connection costs, are the responsibility of the User. The Theater declines all responsibility for any damage resulting from inaccessibility to the services on the Site or from any damage caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, problems connected to the network, providers or telephone and/or telematic connections , unauthorized access, alteration of data, failure and/or defective functioning of the User’s electronic equipment.
3.6. The User undertakes the obligation not to use the Site for illegal purposes or in ways that could damage its functionality, making it unusable, cause overloading and/or interference with the use of the same by other Users.

4. Personal account
4.1. The User has the possibility of registering on the Site to use the services offered by it.
By registering on the Site, the User must provide a strictly personal email address or user name (hereinafter “id”) and a password in compliance with the privacy policy set out below. The ID and password cannot be used by two or more stations at the same time and the User cannot assign or transfer them to third parties, except under his full and exclusive responsibility: the User will, in fact, be held liable towards the Teatro and any third party for any action and/or fact occurred and/or performed using the credentials entered.
4.2. The User is obliged to preserve the secrecy and confidentiality of his credentials and is required to promptly inform the Site of any unauthorized use or loss thereof.
4.3.The Theater cannot be held responsible, directly or indirectly, in any form or on the basis of any liability regime, for injuries or damages of any kind resulting from or related to the User’s failure to comply with these provisions.

5. Exclusion of liability
5.1. The Theater carries out, with the utmost diligence, the care and maintenance of the Site and its contents. However, we assume no responsibility for the correctness, completeness and timeliness of the data and information provided on the Site or on sites linked to it. Any liability for errors or omissions deriving from the use of data and information on the Site must therefore be excluded.
5.2. The Theater is not responsible either towards the User or towards subjects directly or indirectly connected to the User himself, for damages, claims or losses deriving from disservices or suspensions of the Site which depend on the User himself, on third parties or caused by force majeure or fluke.
5.3. The Theater declines all responsibility, including the presence of errors, the correction of errors and the responsibility of the server hosting the Site. Under no circumstances will the Theater be responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result from the use of the materials present on the Site or the inability to use them.

6. Intellectual and industrial property
6.1. The Site and its contents are the property of Fondazione Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa and/or its successors or assignors and/or third parties where indicated.
6.2. All contents and materials present on the Site, in any format, – including, by way of example, logos, trademarks, menus, web pages, colours, graphics, fonts and designs of the Site – are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights. intellectual property of the owner or of any third parties contracted by him. Reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of the Site and its contents is prohibited, without the express written consent of the owner.
6.3. The User is exclusively authorized to view the Site and its contents using the related services available there. The User is also authorized to carry out all those temporary acts of reproduction, without any economic significance of their own, which are considered transitory or accessory, an integral and essential part of the very visualization and use of the Site and its contents as well as all other operations navigation on the Site which are carried out solely for legitimate use of the same.
6.4.The User is in no way authorized to carry out any reproduction, on any medium, in whole or in part, of the Site and its contents. Any act of reproduction must be, from time to time, authorized by the Theater or, if necessary, by the authors of the individual works contained in the Site. Such reproduction operations must in any case be carried out for lawful purposes and in compliance with copyright and of other intellectual property rights and of the authors of the individual works present on the Site.
6.5. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.

7. Limitations on the provision of the service
7.1. The Theater cannot be held responsible for damages resulting from the failure to provide the service due to incorrect or non-functioning of the electronic means of communication due to causes beyond its foreseeable control. By way of example, but not limited to, the malfunction of servers or installed software, computer viruses or other harmful computer components, as well as hacker actions. The User therefore undertakes to indemnify and hold the owner harmless from any liability and/or request in this regard.

8. Links to other sites
8.1. The Site may contain hyperlinks to other websites that have no connection with it. The Theater does not control these websites and does not guarantee their contents or data management in any way. The User must therefore carefully read the conditions of use of the third party sites visited and the related privacy policies.

9. Purchase of tickets and season passes
9.1. The purchase of tickets and season tickets  takes place via the following ticketshop https://ticketshop.FirenzeOnStage.com/ . The relevant Conditions of Sale therefore apply to the purchase.
Purchased tickets and passes cannot be canceled or replaced, nor used on dates and times other than those indicated.

10. Privacy
10.1. All the User’s personal data are processed by Fondazione Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa in compliance with current legislation on the protection of personal data. To obtain all the necessary information, please refer to the Privacy Policy
and Cookie Information, published in the relevant sections of the Site, and available at the following link: https://firenzeonstage.com/privacy-policy

11.2. Disputes between the Theater and Users connected or connected to the use of the Site are reserved to Italian jurisdiction and are the exclusive territorial jurisdiction of the Court of Florence.

12. Final clauses
12.1. If any clause or part of a clause of these Conditions is held to be void because it is contrary to an applicable law provision, all other terms and clauses or parts of a clause will remain in full force and effect.
12.2. For anything not expressly provided for herein, the legal provisions in force in Italian law apply.

Last update date: 2024,  Aug. 14